How Does Using CBD For Gout Treatment Work?

CBD For Gout
CBD For Gout
CBD For Gout
CBD For Gout

Gout is a type of inflammatory arthritis that is very common. The condition leads to severe pain in the joints and can progress to flares, also known as gouty arthritis. The condition usually appears suddenly and lasts for days or weeks.

The use of CBD oil for treating gout has been proposed as a viable treatment option. The frequent use of CBD oil on the affected joints is helping a lot of people.

The benefits of CBD are well-known among people these days. Let’s take a look at whether the use of CBD for gout management really works.

Is CBD Effective To Manage Gout?

Most people are aware of CBD’s effectiveness in treating a variety of aches and pains, as well as inflammation. Because CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system or ECS, a 2017 study found that regular CBD use in gout-prone areas can probably improve your overall wellbeing. When it comes to gout, a type of arthritis, no human research has been done so far. THC’s impacts on gout and inflammation are the subject of a few studies.

Oral CBD was found to be ineffective in relieving lower back pain in a randomized controlled trial conducted in Australia in 2021. This was a small study with only 100 participants, which is a relatively small sample size for trials. The use of CBD among fibromyalgia patients was investigated in a study published in 2021. 60% of those who used CBD said that the compound helped them with pain relief very effectively.

CBD For Gout Treatment

There are still no large human studies that show CBD oil to be effective in treating gout. Nevertheless, some studies conducted on animal models suggest that CBD oil could help with gout symptoms and conditions. A rat study using CBD gel was carried out in 2015. It helped them feel better about their arthritis pain. When compared with the control group, swelling in their joints decreased substantially over time, and there was a significant improvement in their overall posture.

Inflammation and pain were lowered in rats in another research published in 2017. The rats suffering from osteoarthritis, a gouty condition, had a lower risk of nerve damage. There are many other animal studies that refer to CBD oil’s usefulness in the treatment of gout, but randomized clinical trials with humans are needed to fully comprehend the impact of CBD in managing gout.