What To Consider When Travelling With CBD In The United States?

Full-Spectrum CBD Oil
Full-Spectrum CBD Oil
CBD Laws
CBD Laws

Hemp-derived CBD products are legal in most states of the United States since 2018. This results in the increase in popularity of the CBD products all across the US because of the health benefits it provides. But the CBD laws are different in various states. Some states have not yet approved the recreational use of CBD and a few states still categorized CBD on the list of illegal substances.

Due to these different rules and regulations, traveling to different states with CBD products is a concern if you are not aware of CBD laws in the state you are about to travel. A recent update from the Transportation Security Administration of the US confirmed that travelers can bring CBD products if only they are hemp-derived.

Here are some of the important tips for traveling with CBD on a flight.

Do A Thorough Research

Even though hemp-derived CBD is legal under federal law, different states have different rules and regulations regarding CBD. Some states have strict laws against the recreational use of CBD regardless of its source. Therefore, if you are traveling from state to state with CBD products, you need to do thorough research on the CBD rules and regulations of those states. You can do an internet search or ask an attorney who is specialized in CBD laws for knowing the CBD laws of different states.

Proper Packaging

If you are traveling on an airplane, you need to carefully package liquid-based CBD products like CBD oils, CBD tinctures, CBD lotions, etc. Most airlines allow travelers to bring a quart-sized bag of liquids that contain less than 3.4 ounces of liquid in each carry-on bag. Try not to hide your CBD products or group them with other liquids because it may create suspicion. Also, marijuana-derived CBD products are not allowed in any of the airlines.

Review The Certificate Of Analysis

If you are carrying any CBD product to an airport, you might probably need the Certificate Of Analysis (COA). It is a lab report that confirms that the THC content in that particular CBD product is less than 0.3 %. Certificate Of Analysis is an important document because most of the CBD products labeled THC-free may not be actually free of THC. Therefore, you should have the Certificate Of Analysis readily available during your flight.

International Travel

Most of the other countries have precarious legalities towards hemp and other cannabis plants. Therefore, it is not ideal to travel internationally with hemp and marijuana-derived CBD products. Most of those countries have strict cannabis laws that don’t even allow the medical use of marijuana and hemp.